Orphan (Left) The Murderer (Right).
We see here that both the characters are filmed in dark lighting (Suggesting a negative stereotype of Disability). The characters are in costume (challenging age and gender stereotypes) and the mid shot being neither high or low angle suggests that they have not got any power, they are posing as able bodied people, this also suggests that even though the lead characters are female, they still do not have much power.
This is more significant in Undercover as in this shot the character has just murdered a man, the audience should expect the character to have power because of this, the angle of the camera could be suggesting that because the character is disabled/ a woman she does not have power.
The Orphan and the Murderer both challenge gender stereotypes.
Women are meant to be feminine and dress in feminine clothes stereotypically. In Undercover the Murderer wears men's clothes (see above) this does not fit the stereotypical woman.
Both characters are violent and angry which is not stereotypical feminine behavior and both films also break thriller convention by having female main characters, commonly the main characters are male. They are both independent which does not conform to the subordinate stereotype of a woman. However, there are signs of the male gaze being used and the bandage shots in both films are sexually suggestive (Showing the women's backs).
The Orphan (Left) Undercover (Right).
These extreme close ups suggest the sexual nature of the shot.
It also shows that they were hiding their identities reenforcing the disability stereotype of a villain as suggested previously.
The films also challenge age stereotypes as both characters are adults, adults are commonly seen as the authority figures in media yet these characters do not act responsibly. They both dress up which suggests immaturity as it is a childlike thing to do. They are both violent which shows resistance to authority which is also seen as stereotypically young.

The Orphan (Left) Undercover (Right).
The fact that both characters have smeared make-up across their face suggests that they are immature and are not acting their adult age suggesting that they are not conforming to age stereotypes.
It also suggests that they are inclined to act upon their emotions which also show they are acting like a child and that they are compulsive (Showing disability in a negative light).
The fact that they were wearing make-up shows they are conforming to gender stereotypes as does the showing of emotions, yet the anger they are portraying in the scene suggests masculinity.

The Orphan (Left) Undercover (Right).
The fact that The Orphan had drawn a picture challenges age stereotypes as it is not the typical behavior of an adult, you would expect children to draw pictures. You would expect the disabled to have a childlike mentality and this enforces that stereotype, just like the Murderer in Undercover, you would not expect as adult to draw on a mirror with lipstick yet you would expect that of a child/disabled person.
The Orphan (Left) Undercover (Right).
Both characters smash a mirror this challenges age and gender stereotypes, they are adults but they are not acting responsibly and violence is deemed a masculine trait. Women are meant to be stereotypically feminine. This action also enforces a stereotype of disability as it see them being criminal, showing them in a negative light.
The Orphan (Left) Undercover (Right).
The Orphan and Undercover both use the location of a bathroom, this enforces typical thriller conventions as a bathroom is a isolated location. This may also represent disability stereotypes as it suggests that the characters feel isolated. Orphan is being violent challenging gender and age stereotypes (Violence is masculine, adults should act responsibly) and the Murderer is cleaning her hands which enforces age and gender stereotypes (Women are clean and adults act responsibly) yet the murderer has just killed someone which enforces a disability stereotype (Disables people are villains.
The Orphan (Left) Undercover (Right).
Both The Orphan and Undercover have similar fonts, these fonts help to sent the mood of a psychological thriller are fit thriller conventions. They suggest that there is a dark character (enforcing disability stereotypes).

The Orphan (Left) Undercover (Right).
Both characters murdered men , this challenges gender stereotypes as violence and murder are not deemed feminine, it also challenges age stereotypes as they are not complying to authority. This also shows disabled people as villains.
The main character in a thriller is typically a hero, Undercover breaks thriller convention because the character the audience is forced to identify with, the prominent and main character is the Anti-Hero (Villain).